Chantelle Fitzgerald
Founder/CEO, Mindset Strategies, LLC

What is your business/organization name?
Mindset Strategies, LLC
What inspired you to join/start your business?
I started my business because I felt that there was a need for better leadership in organization and for people to better leaders.
Is there anything else you’d like us to know about your business?
Our firm is proud that we have built the confidence of Black women leaders by 100%. We also have done some ground breaking and "edgy" work by creating Connection Sessions (CS). CS are sessions where we breakdown bias' and stereotypes between white men c-suite executives and Black women leaders. The results are powerful. The men report becoming better leaders, better able to retain and promote Black female leaders and be better allies. The women are better supported, have access to the C-suite when they didn't before and have better sponsors and allies.
What does Black History Month mean to you?
It means honoring, valuing, recognizing and appreciating the amazingness of Black people.
What are your three greatest accomplishments?
1. Leadership Institute For Black Women 2. Increasing the confidence level of Black women by 100%. 3. Creating Connection Sessions with White Male C-suite Executives and Black Women.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
Your network is your net worth. It's the power of building relationships and getting to know others.