Tell us a little about yourself and/or your business.
My business partner Margarita Santiago and I own and operate the only Hispanic own adult day care in New Jersey.
What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?
We are proud of our heritage and our legacy.
How has your Hispanic Heritage influenced your life and who you are today?
Makes us who we are. Proud, hard workers and giving.
What challenges do Hispanics face in business? What resources do you think would help overcome them?
One of the many challenges is the lack of resources to small businesses. More resources are needed in regards to providing access to our community to comprehensive health care, transportation and access to healthy foods in the underserved areas.
How are you personally celebrating Hispanic Heritage month?
We celebrate daily because being Hispanic is a fiesta. We love happiness, loud music, and people. We also celebrate by honoring our parents, teachers, mentors and community leaders.
What is a Hispanic tradition you would want to pass down that your parents have passed down to you?
One tradition we would like to pass down from our parents is the love for our native countries and the cooking traditions.
What is one thing you would like other to know about your Hispanic Heritage?
We love to celebrate and are happy to share and show our culture.